It has been a surprised when heard news about Toyotal Recall about Accelerator Pedal. As dealer said that they have no choice anymore since no solution for the problem yet, they're not actually recalling any vehicles, unless there is a suspicion of a sticky gas pedal.The recall announcement should has impact to Toyota's Stock in the market but how the announcement has impacted. We will see on this weekend.
Related to this recall many customer give their thought. One of them is as follow
Toyota is not the manufacturer that it used to be. Lots of problems in recent years.
There was the recent problem of engine sludge in some models. This problem even extended into their flagship Lexus brand. Toyota initially blamed the owners for not keeping up with their oil changes. However there were too many early engine failures from excessive sludge for these to be isolated incidents of owners not changing their oil. It took a class action lawsuit to finally get Toyota to admit to their design flaw. Not very good customer care here.
Then there was the problem with excessive frame rust in the Tacoma trucks. Another class action lawsuit. Toyota quietly bought up many of the effected trucks and had them crushed.
Then there is the severe frame flex problems with the Tundra trucks. I have a friend who bought one to pull his fifth wheel travel trailer. This truck should have had enough towing capacity for this trailer. He noticed that the truck would not hold an alignment. He later found that the frame of this truck was permanently tweaked (bent).
The Tundra trucks also suffer from severe frame rust. Toyota recently sent a letter to the owners of these trucks to remove the spare tire. Seems the frames are rusting so badly that the spare tire can fall off. This has caused some accidents.
So I am not surprised they have this most recent rash of problems. Not they are blaming a sub-contractor. However I would bet money that this sub-contractor is building these parts exactly to Toyota specifications. Most likely a design flaw, not a quality issue.
I am confident that Toyota will get this most recent issue with the accelerator pedal fixed very quickly. To much money involved in lost sales and image for them not to.
However, with their recent track record, you got to wonder what design flaw related recall will come next.
Toyota is not the brand they appear to be. Just good marketing. I would take my Chevy over a Toyota any day.
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